Friday, September 19, 2014

Work for Sept.23, 2014

World Geography: Please draft in 12 point Times New Roman Font your paper informing a reader in your class what you learned about your Middle Eastern City or Country.  Based on your articles you have already decided on a focusing sentence .  Use it in the first or last paragraph.  Two typed pages or approximately 500 words will work.  Show the in text citations for direct quotes or summaries and paraphrases.  Use fewer direct quotations and more of the latter two. Follow the handout.  Due next Friday or before.  You have time to work on draft of article because you have only one lesson to do in Book II

Read and do in Geog Book two the coastal countries of the sub Saharan West on page 24-25 Student text lesson 8 and pp.  24-25 in Workbook.

Literature:  Please finish the last Chapter of Part II of The Trojan War and prepare a study sheet to prepare for test Friday.

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