Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Homework and other matters:

I enjoyed welcoming you all to school!  New students and familiar ones grouped together and did the kind of work we will do all year.  Our first classes went well and I enjoyed introducing you to both courses.  I gave you as best as I could  an idea of what the courses entail as well as some of the processes we will be using to learn.  Some of the material is based on what you already know but stretches your learning beyond that into new and interesting areas of knowledge.

This blog will have your daily assignments as well as the book list and any other useful material you may need along the way.

The Book Lists:


Geography & Literature of the World(2014-5)


Barbara S. Armbruster
Trinity Classical Christian Academy,
Upper School
Beaufort, South Carolina, 29901
 Reading List -- World Geography
Order From Memoria Press - (Order online www.memoriapress.com)
     1. Geography I:  The Middle East, North Africa & Europe - text $14.95/Student Consumable Workbook $11.95. (Two Books)
    2. Geography II:  Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Oceania, & The Americas – Text $14.95/Student Consumable Workbook $11.95  (Two Books)
 *N.B. Reading List- Books available on line from Memoria Press.  Consumable workbook means that the student, at the teacher’s instruction, writes in the book.

Reading List -- World Literature

Order From Memoria Press - (Order online www.memoriapress.com
1.The Trojan War (retelling) by Olivia Coolidge Novel-$6.96/consumable student Workbook-$11.95. (Two books).
2.The Odyssey (Samuel Butler Translation) Novel-$10.00/consumable student Workbook-$16.95. (Two books).
3.The Aeneid (David West Translation) Novel-$12.00/consumable Student Workbook-$16.95. (Two books)
Order From Veritas Press – (Order on line; use numbers to identify books www.veritaspress.com)
4.Julius Caesar (Roma Gill Editor) order #420245-$8.96

5.Codes of Hammurabi and Moses order #305201 -$11.66

6.The Voyage of the Dawn Treader C.S.Lewis order #25570-$6.29

  *N.B. Reading List- Books available on line from sources indicated.  Please get suggested edition-other versions not acceptable. In addition, if you order all books from same publisher at the same time, you have only one shipping charge. Consumable workbook means that the student, at the teacher’s instruction, writes in the book.  In addition, order of listing does not necessarily mean order of study.

Homework due Friday 5 September 2014
Geography: Study/Read in Student Text The Introduction pp.4-5.
  The Middle East pp.6-7.                           
  Syria pp.12-13.
  Iraq pp.16-17.
As you are doing this have your Geography Student Guide opened to the corresponding pages. Middle East p.4; Syria p.7; Iraq p.9 and follow all of the instructions for these pages and color the maps after you put in what the instructions indicate. ( Keep the colors the same as those on the Middle East map.)  

Literature:  Study/Read in The Trojan War pp. 3 to 21.
As you are going through these chapters, in your Student Guide, follow the instructions on pp. 6-13.  Write all in your guide book except the character list and any drawings you are asked to do.

See you Friday!  Mrs.B

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