Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Work for Friday 19 February 2014

Geography-turn in in-class map with Country and Capital and two facts for each on separate paper if you have not already done so

Find 3 articles about the country you are choosing to write about.  Print them.  Fill out the event sheet for each and attach to article.  Prepare to tell the class what you will focus on in the paper.  We will discuss this in class.  I will then make a formal assignment in class for a paper draft.

Literature-Read Part II The Opening,  Parts 1,2,3,4, pp. 35 to 67.
Student Guide:  Complete pp. 16-17; 18-19; 20-21; and 22-23.  Add new characters to your list identifying them and drawing them if you can.  (Extra Credit)

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