Friday, September 5, 2014

School Work for Tuesday 9 September 2014

Dear Students,
I am so happy you are responding so well to our new material and like the Geography and map studies.  Next week we will  add a new component.  Will you please locate and cut out at least 3 articles (or more) about one or more of the Mideast countries in the news.  Use news magazines and newspapers, get them on line or at a news store and cut them out. Do not paste in notebook yet as we will share them as we decide what topic within one country each of you is interested in finding more information about.  We need these for Friday the  12th.

For Tuesday add Iran, Israel, and Jordan to your reading (pp.18-19; 8-9; and Jordan. In the Student Guide, do pp. 10,5, and 6.  Then add thee three countries to the larger map I gave you.  Please color in the countries using the same colors you used on the first day for each of them..  That's all folks!!

All of you seem to love the stories love the stories of the myths and so  are enjoying The Trojan War.  Please finish the last two chapters of the .Prologue.  Also do up to and including p.12 in
Student Guide.  Anyone doing the drawings will receive extra credit.  Please use unlined paper.  You can make smaller images and put several on a page.  Add 4-5 sentences about that character.  I have an idea for the non artists in the group on another way to do these charts.  Tell you Tuesday.

Have fun.  Mrs. B

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