Sunday, November 2, 2014

Work for 4 November 2014

Literature:  In your student guide, Read Introduction to Virgil, Life and Context.  Please answer the following questions completely:

  1. What is Virgil's complete name (know spelling,) his dates, his physical and financial condition in life.
  2. Discuss the writings he is best known for.
  3. What was his goal in writing the Aeneid?  How does he inform his readers of  this?
  4. Explain the Nature of Epic Poetry and its three characteristics.
  5. Explain the additional three characteristics.
  6. Discuss the three themes that can be identified throughout the work.

  1. Read about Spain in your text; then fill in the page about what you learn in the Student Guide, including the Map.
  2. Read the article I gave you and fill out the current events summary.  Find another news article about Spain today and print it.  You don't need to do a current event page yet.

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