Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Work for 14 November 2014

World Geography:  Be prepared for a map test on the Mediterranean Countries ( 5 ), including capitals and placement on map.  In addition be able to write one paragraph about either the history or the current situation in each country.  You may choose what to write about each and do some  history or some current events.

World Literature:  Have a rough draft of your Trojan War paper ready to hand in.  Please follow the suggestions I gave.  when typed, it needs to be 2 1/2-3 typed pages in 12 point type following the MLA format.  No works cited page needed but put in page numbers after quotes or paraphrases.  I would like to collect the Trojan War Guide Books to give a final grade on them!
After you hand this in, we will resume discussion of Book II of The Aeneid.

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