Thursday, November 20, 2014

Work Due 21 November 2014

World Literature:  Please complete the questions for Book III.  Over break, please read and answer all questions for Book IV.

World Geography:  Please read summary of Germany's History.  Also please bring in one current events news article for France and one for Germany.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Work for 18 November 2014

World Geography:  Do the next two Central European Countries France & Germany.  Read text about these and fill in Maps and Facts.  No need to get an article yet unless you have a burning curiosity about that country!

Classic World Literature:  Read Book III of the Aeneid and do the questions you were assigned.  Also be prepared to answer orally the discussion questions and discuss  the meaning of the  quotations. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Work for 14 November 2014

World Geography:  Be prepared for a map test on the Mediterranean Countries ( 5 ), including capitals and placement on map.  In addition be able to write one paragraph about either the history or the current situation in each country.  You may choose what to write about each and do some  history or some current events.

World Literature:  Have a rough draft of your Trojan War paper ready to hand in.  Please follow the suggestions I gave.  when typed, it needs to be 2 1/2-3 typed pages in 12 point type following the MLA format.  No works cited page needed but put in page numbers after quotes or paraphrases.  I would like to collect the Trojan War Guide Books to give a final grade on them!
After you hand this in, we will resume discussion of Book II of The Aeneid.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Work For 11 November 2014

Classical Studies: World Literature - The Aeneid - Book II 
                                                            Please answer the questions on pp.12-15.  Any one who needs to complete Book I, please do so.  We will finish going over these questions in class.

Classical Studies: World Geography - Please review the four countries of the Mediterranean World.  Know the capitals, how to put them on a map (use correct spelling). See Pg. 36 and fill in Student Guide.  Please bring a Portugal article if you have not done so.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Work for 7 November 2014

Literature:  Read Book I of the Aeneid.  As you go through the text,  keep the student book opened in front of you and add identities to the characters in the list as  you come across them, as well as answer the questions in complete sentences or mini paragraphs.

Geography:  Do Portugal and bring one article about Portugal Today.  We will do the articles for homework or in class.  Please edit the Africa Papers.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Work for 4 November 2014

Literature:  In your student guide, Read Introduction to Virgil, Life and Context.  Please answer the following questions completely:

  1. What is Virgil's complete name (know spelling,) his dates, his physical and financial condition in life.
  2. Discuss the writings he is best known for.
  3. What was his goal in writing the Aeneid?  How does he inform his readers of  this?
  4. Explain the Nature of Epic Poetry and its three characteristics.
  5. Explain the additional three characteristics.
  6. Discuss the three themes that can be identified throughout the work.

  1. Read about Spain in your text; then fill in the page about what you learn in the Student Guide, including the Map.
  2. Read the article I gave you and fill out the current events summary.  Find another news article about Spain today and print it.  You don't need to do a current event page yet.