Wednesday, March 4, 2015


World Literature:  The Odyssey  Complete Books 22,23,24..  Read and do questions in workbook. We will discuss.   I will go over the rest of the test in class to insure you know the answers. 
Think about what you might like to write about. We will formulate a thesis sentence for your think piece (Focused essay)in class.

 Some examples are: 

The gods or Fates control the actions in the Odyssey.  Discuss how this is true in several events (possibly three).  How would these outcomes be different if this story was based on a Christian World View? 

 Discuss the different actions of three Male or Female characters.  How would these actions  show differences if this story was written in 2015?...

 World Geography: In your student Workbook, .  Make sure are able to identify ALL countries of  the whole European Map.  Hand in for extra credit.  Circle the places you know.

Your essay is ( Do draft or final for Friday):
 Select two Countries or cities you found interesting, whether the our books gave you info or not. (for me the Russian Oblast) and would like to visit (if money were no object).   Write  about each of  the countries, cities, or regions you would visit and why.  Explain exactly what would you hope to see there.  Use articles for info as well as the text.   Bring both your Books number I today, so we can begin Asia.

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