Sunday, May 17, 2015

Work Due 19 May 2015

Literature:  Please answer the questions for Day II Of the Codes of Hammurabi and Moses.  You have already done # 7 in class so no need to do it again.  We will continue with the presentation of the codes in the groups you are already in and analyze  some more of these  early laws.

Geography:  Based on the handouts I have given you, make sure you have added information to p.86 Jamaica and p.87 The Bahamas. We will do review of Central America and move on to South America lessons 26, 27, 28, and 29.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Work for Thursday 14 May and Friday 15 May

You have class Thurs and Friday this week.

Literature :  For Thursday finish the Hammurabi Questions on the Handout.  I will tell you on Thursday what to do for Friday.

Geography:  From the Articles on Haiti and the Dominican Republic, fill in the information on the pages or map area on the Fast fact page.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Work for May 12,2015

Early Cultural Literature:  Finish any Act V questions you need to complete this act.  I will collect them today.  Please bring Hammurabi Book!  Do not tell me you forgot it!

Word Geography:  Lessons - 22-23 Central America parts I and II.  In class, we will do Lessons 24 - Greater Antilles, and 25 - The Bahamas & Lesser Antilles.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Work for 8 May 2015

Cultural World Literature: Julius Caesar Act V (Don't forget to read the summary in the front of the book first.  Then read the Plutarch in the back.  Ten read the act and answer the Act ! questions.

World Geography: Finish putting American Samoa info  from the article on page 52 in your student guide. 
We will do the rest in class.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Work For 5 May 2015

Cultural Literature of the World:  Julius Caesar-finish Act IV Scene III,  Questions 54-63.  I will collect all of Act IV, if you have not handed Scenes I and II in. 

Geography:  Madeleine and Noah will present their Oceania research info. to the class.  Everyone
please read the Introduction to Central America, The Caribbean, and South America in the Student Text pp. 66-67. In student guide, label the Unit 5 Introductory map of Central America, The Caribbean, and South America.  The  map is on two pages!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Work for I May 2015

World Literature: We are getting stuff done while still laughing at the Shakespeare and the follies of men!
Begin Act IV and answer the questions from # 49 to 53.  That is all of Act IV Scene I.  We will finish Act IV in class and we must read some of Plutarch's Life of Caesar.  Remind me.  It's amazing how much Shakespeare used that source.

World Geography: Please use the source I gave each of you and write a numbered list of fun facts about the place.  Put your name and the title of the article and where it came from on top first. Use one side of paper and write clearly or type it.  The aim is to give the class a good idea of the important info about the country.  I will Xerox your list for the other members of the class.

Then we go to South America!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Work for Tuesday 28 April 2014

World Geography: Read the Introduction to Oceania, Australia & Antarctica Unit 3.  Fill out the map to show Antarctica, New Zealand, Papua, New Guinea, Guam, Fiji, Samoa, American Samoa.  Next read about Fiji, Samoa, and American Samoa-Lesson 18. Then read Antarctica, Lesson 19 in the Student Text.  In the Student Guide write the Fun Facts that you find for Lessons 18&19 in your Student Guide.  I will ask you to tell me what you find.  In Class I will have articles for those 4 places for you to read and add more facts. That is Fiji, Samoa, American Samoa, and Antarctica to begin this unit.

Classical World Cultural Literature:  Julius Caesar-Act III, Scenes I and II. Read and answer questions completely.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Work For 21 April 2015

World Geography: Use the following questions to help you write about the country: What Country in Asia do you wish to visit?  What about this place attracts you?  From your research or knowledge base,  discuss at least  three specific sites you wish to visit and the specific people, places or things you will see there.  In other words exactly what you will see at each place or site.  Write this in friendly letter form, telling a friend about your upcoming trip.

Cultural Literature of the World:  Julius Caesar   
Please complete Act II  Questions.  We will continue our discussion on Act II and begin Act III in class.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Work for April 17,2015

Geography:  Write a response to the Vietnam article. What do you think and feel about that war from what you read or know about it?

World Literature:  We will  discuss Julius Caesar Act II as much as we have time for.  I will collect questions from Act I if I have nor seen them and Act II Scenes I and II or what you have ready.


Monday, April 13, 2015

Work For April 14, 2015

Literature:  Read and finish questions for Act I Scenes I and II of Julius Caesar.

Geography: Finish Mapping the flight of missing airliner.  Include steps of the journey as outlined in the article.   Do you think this theory is the truth?  Why of why not.  I n class we will see another article. 

Paper on visiting Asian country discussion continues. Paper Due Fri. Apr. 17th..

Friday, April 3, 2015

7 April 2015

Hope your Easter break is restful and filled with the joy Of  the Risen Christ!

World Literature:  Finish the Last two Chapters of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader!

Bring your handout about the Spiritual aspects of the Novel.
Also bring  your copy of the Roma Gill version of  Julius Caesar.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Work for 27 March 2015/ April 7th Every thing you owe must be in by Fri the 27th

Literature:  I will go over with you the Three chapters you started in class on Tuesday.  I will give you the last two chapter questions to do over break in class on Friday.  Only last two chapters!!!

Geography:  I will go over the last work you did in class and move on to other in-class work.  You will only have to complete anything that is late over break. I hope not to give you homework over Easter break!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Work for Tuesday 24 March 2015

Geography:  Student Guide-do review lessons for (9-12) Maps; color and label, just writing countries-not capitals.   Do  Student Text on 13-South China Sea put  that  information in Student Guide Lesson Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Phillipines.

Literature: Do questions for Chapters 9-10-11 in your Packet.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Work Due on 20 March 2015

World Geography: Read text information and do map and notes in book For Japan in Asia.  Bring in  one article about news in current day time period.

World Literature / The Classics:  read and answer questions in Chapters 6, 7, and 8 of the Dawn Treader. Get better J.K. !

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Work for 17 March 2015

World Literature - The Classics:  Read Chapters 3,4, and 5 of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  Do question sheets for each.

World Geography:  Do South Asia pp, 36-7 and East Asia Part II pp.40-1.  Add info to Student Guide.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Work for Friday March 13 2015

World Literature:  Finish reading handout.  You will have a brief quiz.  Do Chapter Handouts for Chapters 1 and 2.  Vocabulary answers  for page 4 come from vocab and expressions on pg. 3.  Using words in a sentence better if words used in story context and show sentence variety.  No immature sentences! Comprehension questions: : if you look them up, write page number on sheet.  Do the same for each chapter.

World Geography:  Read about and finish pp. 34 & 35 Student guide Central Asia.  Then do South Asia pp. 36 & 37.  The bring in one article about one country from either region.  We discussed this in class.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Work for Tuesday March 10 2015

World Geography:  Fill in map of all Asia.  Write the name of the country and its capital.  Finish your Europe paper, please.  Have Books II for class. 

Bring Dawn Treader to class.  Do a draft of a paper for the Odyssey.  Turn in your Odyssey book.

Have fun!  Ms. Barbara

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


World Literature:  The Odyssey  Complete Books 22,23,24..  Read and do questions in workbook. We will discuss.   I will go over the rest of the test in class to insure you know the answers. 
Think about what you might like to write about. We will formulate a thesis sentence for your think piece (Focused essay)in class.

 Some examples are: 

The gods or Fates control the actions in the Odyssey.  Discuss how this is true in several events (possibly three).  How would these outcomes be different if this story was based on a Christian World View? 

 Discuss the different actions of three Male or Female characters.  How would these actions  show differences if this story was written in 2015?...

 World Geography: In your student Workbook, .  Make sure are able to identify ALL countries of  the whole European Map.  Hand in for extra credit.  Circle the places you know.

Your essay is ( Do draft or final for Friday):
 Select two Countries or cities you found interesting, whether the our books gave you info or not. (for me the Russian Oblast) and would like to visit (if money were no object).   Write  about each of  the countries, cities, or regions you would visit and why.  Explain exactly what would you hope to see there.  Use articles for info as well as the text.   Bring both your Books number I today, so we can begin Asia.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Work for Tuesday 3 March 2015

World Literature:  The Odyssey  Complete Books 19-20-21 .  Read and do questions in workbook.  I will go over the first test in class to insure you know the answers.  This is so you will know how to do test three.

World Geography: In your student Workbook, complete Albania p.81, The Balkans p.82.  Make sure the whole European Map is identified

This is what your essay will be ( You do not have to do it for Tuesday!).  Select Three Countries you found interesting, whether the Book did them or not (for me the Russian Oblast) and would like to visit (if money were no object).   Write  about each of them and the city or region you would visit and why as well as what would you hope to see there.  If this is unclear, I will explain in class.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Work for 13 February 2015

Geography: Please read about and do Map for Romania p.79;Bulgaria p.80; Albania p.81.  Please put any country, body of water you previously studied as a review.  Please get this far as I would prefer not to give you homework over the break.

World Literature:  We will go over 13, 14, 15, 16.  You will need to do 17 and 18 over the break and do test #2 including Books I-XVIII. Then we will have 6 books to finish, hopefully by the 27th.
That's it!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Work for 10 Febrary 2015

 World Literature:  Please save the test to study from.  I will save the final for the end.  Read Books 11-12-13 and complete the lessons.  We will go over these in class                                   .

World Geography:  Please read the lessons on   The Czech Republic & Slovakia pp.86-7 in Student Text, and do p.76 The Czech Republic , p.77 Slovakia, in the Student Guide.  That is two countries.  Please bring in one article about the country of your choice.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Work for 6 February 2014

Geography:  You will have a test that asks for the countries from the Baltics to Belarus.  You will have to know 5-6 or more sentences about 2 of the following:  Russia( European), Ukraine, The Russian Oblast, Latvia, Estonia, or Lithuania.

World Literature.  Write out best answers to  all the test questions.  We will go over them in class and if we have time you will begin Book 11 of the Odyssey in class.  I expect that all will be caught up to book 10.  I will check your workbooks!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Wok for February 3 2015

Odyssey:  You must be finished with Books 9 and 10.  We will have our test this week sometime.

Geography:  I am sure you enjoyed Oka as much as I did!  She is a fountain of wisdom and knowledge.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Work for 30 January 2015

World Literature:  Complete Books 6-7-8 and note pages where you find the answers.  You will have a test on Books 1-10 when we finish 9 and 10.  That most probably be Friday Feb 6th.  I will check your student guide then to make sure you are up to date on the Odyssey units.  If not, you will not be allowed to take the test and will fail the test.

World Geography:  In your book, take notes from your student guide on Ukraine, Belarus, and Poland.  Mark the maps, please.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

World Geography and Literature: Work for 27 January 2015

World Geography:  I gave you 3 articles.  Write a summary of each adding info to the following pages: 
  • Estonia write on pg. 68 - use Tass Moscow article about Estonia - Russian Border; 
  • Latvia write on pg. 69use Dark Past: Latvia...; 
  • Lithuania write on page pg.70 use Grybauskaite and her Baltic and Polish...
Literature: Work for 27 January 2015: World Literature:  The Odyssey.  Read and complete Book 3 started in class and Books 4 and 5.  We will discuss these on Tuesday.  Do not get...

Work for 27 January 2015

World Literature:  The Odyssey.  Read and complete Book 3 started in class and Books 4 and 5.  We will discuss these on Tuesday.  Do not get behind.  Anyone who has not received a literature grade, Please hand in The Aeneid Workbook asap.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Tuesday 18 January 2015

The majority of you will be pleased to know that I received a vote from our absent class member via email.  We will begin to study the Odyssey next.  Please have your text and workbook for Tuesday.  If you only have one of the books bring it and order the other on line as soon as you read this.  A.K. please finish the Aeneid as soon as you can.  You must have a report card to prove you earned high school credit for this quarter.  I will get that to you when you finish the workbook so your parents will have it when they apply for credit for you. 

Geography:  I hope you all passed the test and submitted two articles on any 2 Scandinavian countries. Will have those Grades ready for Tuesday the 18th. 

Now for Today:  Please read about and do the map pages for Russia and the Baltic States so named because they are on the Baltic Sea:  Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.  Since you don't have other home work from me except to bring the books, you can do this.   

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Work Due 16 January 2015

Geography:  Do Iceland.  Do summaries on sheet I gave you of any two Scandinavian Countries' articles.  Prepare for Scandinavian Map and capitols test.  Extra credit for placing the capitol on the correct place on map.  A.K.  You owe me an article on Stockholm.

World Literature:  Finish the questions to Book XII of the Aeneid.  Hand in your Aeneid work book on Friday the 16th.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Work for Tuesday 13 January 2014

Aeneid: Read  and answer Questions for Book XI "Drances and Camilla".  Book XII the last one is due Friday the last day of this quarter.  I will collect your student guide on Fri. the 16th so I can grade it for this quarter.  If it is not complete, you will not receive any grade until it is.  Make sure your parents know this, so they don't request a report card from me if you do not tell them this fact.

Book XI
  1. 238
  2. 238
  3. 240
  4. 241
  5. 243
  6. 244
  7. 255-6
  8. 246-7
  9. 243
  10. 251
  11. 252-3
  12. 253-4
  13. 255
  14. 260
  15. 262-3

World Geography: Read the student text and fill in p.61 Denmark and Finland p.63. Bring in one
article for one of these two countries. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Work for 9 January 2015

Happy New Year.  The Christmas Season ended yesterday with the Epiphany or the Coming of the Wise Men or Three Kings.  They followed the Star to Bethlehem and thus began the invitation to all on earth to follow Christ.

World Geography: Do the map and reading for Norway and Sweden.  We will discuss this in class.  Please bring in one article for the class to read and discuss.  Norway NW-B - clogs history and origin, Norse Mythology;  EM - a brief  history of the Vikings; Sweden JK - Sweden in the news;  AK - Stockholm general info about the city.

World Literature-The Aeneid-Books IX  and X
Book IX
location of  answers.
  1. 187
  2. 186
  3. 189
  4. 189-90
  5. 190-1
  6. 192-3
  7. 195
  8. 196
  9. 197
  10. 196
  11. 199
  12. 199
  13. 200-1
  14. 201
  15. 205
  16. 206
  17. 206
  18. 210 
Book X
  1. 211
  2. 211-2
  3. 213-4
  4. 214
  5. 217-8
  6. 222
  7. 227
  8. 225-6
  9. 226
  10. 229
  11. 229-30
  12. 234
  13. 234-5
  14. 235-6
  15. 237