Sunday, May 17, 2015

Work Due 19 May 2015

Literature:  Please answer the questions for Day II Of the Codes of Hammurabi and Moses.  You have already done # 7 in class so no need to do it again.  We will continue with the presentation of the codes in the groups you are already in and analyze  some more of these  early laws.

Geography:  Based on the handouts I have given you, make sure you have added information to p.86 Jamaica and p.87 The Bahamas. We will do review of Central America and move on to South America lessons 26, 27, 28, and 29.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Work for Thursday 14 May and Friday 15 May

You have class Thurs and Friday this week.

Literature :  For Thursday finish the Hammurabi Questions on the Handout.  I will tell you on Thursday what to do for Friday.

Geography:  From the Articles on Haiti and the Dominican Republic, fill in the information on the pages or map area on the Fast fact page.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Work for May 12,2015

Early Cultural Literature:  Finish any Act V questions you need to complete this act.  I will collect them today.  Please bring Hammurabi Book!  Do not tell me you forgot it!

Word Geography:  Lessons - 22-23 Central America parts I and II.  In class, we will do Lessons 24 - Greater Antilles, and 25 - The Bahamas & Lesser Antilles.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Work for 8 May 2015

Cultural World Literature: Julius Caesar Act V (Don't forget to read the summary in the front of the book first.  Then read the Plutarch in the back.  Ten read the act and answer the Act ! questions.

World Geography: Finish putting American Samoa info  from the article on page 52 in your student guide. 
We will do the rest in class.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Work For 5 May 2015

Cultural Literature of the World:  Julius Caesar-finish Act IV Scene III,  Questions 54-63.  I will collect all of Act IV, if you have not handed Scenes I and II in. 

Geography:  Madeleine and Noah will present their Oceania research info. to the class.  Everyone
please read the Introduction to Central America, The Caribbean, and South America in the Student Text pp. 66-67. In student guide, label the Unit 5 Introductory map of Central America, The Caribbean, and South America.  The  map is on two pages!