Saturday, February 28, 2015

Work for Tuesday 3 March 2015

World Literature:  The Odyssey  Complete Books 19-20-21 .  Read and do questions in workbook.  I will go over the first test in class to insure you know the answers.  This is so you will know how to do test three.

World Geography: In your student Workbook, complete Albania p.81, The Balkans p.82.  Make sure the whole European Map is identified

This is what your essay will be ( You do not have to do it for Tuesday!).  Select Three Countries you found interesting, whether the Book did them or not (for me the Russian Oblast) and would like to visit (if money were no object).   Write  about each of them and the city or region you would visit and why as well as what would you hope to see there.  If this is unclear, I will explain in class.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Work for 13 February 2015

Geography: Please read about and do Map for Romania p.79;Bulgaria p.80; Albania p.81.  Please put any country, body of water you previously studied as a review.  Please get this far as I would prefer not to give you homework over the break.

World Literature:  We will go over 13, 14, 15, 16.  You will need to do 17 and 18 over the break and do test #2 including Books I-XVIII. Then we will have 6 books to finish, hopefully by the 27th.
That's it!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Work for 10 Febrary 2015

 World Literature:  Please save the test to study from.  I will save the final for the end.  Read Books 11-12-13 and complete the lessons.  We will go over these in class                                   .

World Geography:  Please read the lessons on   The Czech Republic & Slovakia pp.86-7 in Student Text, and do p.76 The Czech Republic , p.77 Slovakia, in the Student Guide.  That is two countries.  Please bring in one article about the country of your choice.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Work for 6 February 2014

Geography:  You will have a test that asks for the countries from the Baltics to Belarus.  You will have to know 5-6 or more sentences about 2 of the following:  Russia( European), Ukraine, The Russian Oblast, Latvia, Estonia, or Lithuania.

World Literature.  Write out best answers to  all the test questions.  We will go over them in class and if we have time you will begin Book 11 of the Odyssey in class.  I expect that all will be caught up to book 10.  I will check your workbooks!