Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmastide: The Season of Love

A blessed Christmas to you and your families.  I hope and pray you return to school renewed from the Joys of the Season.

I said in the previous blog, I was assigning four books of the Aenead.  As you know, I have  reduced this to three!  Books VII, VII and IX need to be completed upon return.  No Geography!  I am glad you are willing to do this work.

Thank You and Have a Joyous Christmas,
Mrs. Barbara

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Work for 9 December 2014

The Aeneid:  Finish responding to the Questions in Book  V From # 10 on or whatever you have not done.  Also Places and Characters.  Make sure you know the answers to the discussion questions on p.27.  Book VI due Friday;  we will have a discussion in  class.  Any Books not completed will be added on to your work over break. Yes, you will have 4 chapters to do over break (if we ever hope to finish this book). 

Geography: Finish your in book notes on The United Kingdom. Locate and bring in an article from one of the countries.  England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, or Wales.  Know where the capital are.  Do page 49 And 50, please

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Work for 5 December 2014

Geography and LiteratureDo take home quiz for each. Geography Central Europe 4 Countries Map and write about 2 countries of your choice.

 Books 3 and 4 of  The Aeneid  Take home quiz. (If you have time begin Book 5).